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Guangdong Beyond Lighting Co., Limited.
Guangdong, China
मुख्य उत्पादों: नेतृत्व धोने की चाल, सिर की पट्टी, सिर की पट्टी, नेतृत्व के बराबर प्रकाश, नेतृत्व वाली स्ट्रोब लाइट का नेतृत्व किया

Guangdong Beyond Lighting Co., Limited, is a professional stage lighting manufacturer. Has over 13 years stage lighting manufacturer with independent R&D experiences, has a full range products chain in stage lighting equipment, and owns the most completed WASH series products among the manufacturers.


Such as wash moving head with pixel control or ring control, IP65 moving head, mini moving head, moving head bar, and matrix moving head.


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